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Engaging The Atmosphere

Newtons Law of Motion

A force will continue in constant uniform motion until an opposite force of equal or greater magnitude acts upon it. This law is also known as the law of Inertia.

When the pitch of your sound, the tone of your lyric, the force of your heartbeat and the dance of your melody become one, matching the opposing spirit in your city, you will shift, move and pierce atmospheres.

How important is it that the church advance with the culture? Very important, it's a must.

Not that we are "of" the culture but that we are "in" the culture.

Scientist are proving that sound moves molecules.

The following article speaks to this fact.

My response to this assumption is that the church has the ability to write songs and release them in the atmospheres of their cities and intentionally declare change.

Every city has a dominating spirit and/or stronghold over it.

If it's ungodly, we must speak a thing, declare a thing and watch it come down. Thy Kingdom come!

Our music can break the yoke of the enemy when it's anointed with His power.

Whatever that ungodly spirit is, it must be met with equal or greater force to enact change.

Don't expect your atmosphere to change when you are physically singing without the matching strength and power needed to overcome an opposing force.

Speak to today's generation with current manna, present truth. Sing intentionally and push back the powers of darkness.

The Bible says, in psalms 47:1 to shout with a Voice of triumph.

Verse 6 states that God ascends with our shout. Finally verse 8 tells us that God sits on his holy throne and rules over the nations.

Why? Because his people shouted. They shouted. They gave voice to their shout and it was the voice of triumph. Then God ascended to his throne and reigned over the nations.

We must lift a sound and give an intentional voice to our shout so God can ascend to the throne and reign over our cities.

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